How to say update in different ways.
Dear Reader.
It's been a while since I wrote a proper blog and a few things have happened. No doubt you may have seen some of my Facebook updates, the latest part of Doctor Who - Virus in Time and my archery news.
Well archery is certainly taking up a good part of my weekends now, which is no bad thing. I have said so many times now just how good it is, the fun, the excitement, the shooting and the club.
Recently the number of competitions has increased both home and away for this indoor season. I have been able to post new personnal best in the Portsmouth round of 538 out of 600.
Considering I have been shooting for just over a year now I do feel really pleased with my progress. Of course dear reader I want more, which is not bad. You can just go and shoot for pleasure if you want. Not many sports let you enjoy the pure pleasure of the sport. Take football for example. You cant just kick a ball into a goal all the time, it becomes pointless. Likewise for chess (ok not a physical sport) you have to play against someone or something.
Archery you can just stand and shoot for your own enjoyment. But then if you do will you end up competing. And is that just what you end up doing in life? Boy theres a deep thought.
Well back to the plot as they say.
As you may or may not have noticed I won my first medal. And I mean won. Along with Veronique from the archery club we won the Open Pairs competition at Warwick Archers. Now that for me was a real milestone. Also I was 4th in a Warwick round and 6th in a Portsmouth postal shoot.
The past few days I have made a few changes. One of the advantages of TVA club are the coaches. They do help when you ask. George has been helping me now move forward again. Over the past few days he has changed my stance, anchor position and helped with my new finger tab.
Results. Well you always go a step back before going two forward. I took part in the latest postal shoot and did not expect to be above 500 to be honest. Well I surprised myself. 518 out of 600. Now thats not bad for all the changes. So thanks to George I can settle into my 'new' style and see what happens.
What else has been going on.
A wonderful visit to Earle the restaurant and a good meal well recommended. Also we got a evening (Sunday that was) at a Hilton hotel in Chester. A suite no less, including a revolving television. A very relaxing weekend.
So what next for my Doctor Who story. Well part 5 is due out very soon (editor take note). And then I will have to work out parts 6 and 7. (Editor beware).
Ok so is this enough of an update. Well I hope so dear reader. Too much and I may overwhelm you. Too little and its like eating a slice of cheesecake on a diet. You just want more.
So this cheesecake slice is done.
'May your arrows find gold' Or if no arrows 'May the wind be at our backs.'
My own views, blogs, musings on events, archery, films and my writings. Enjoy and let others know.
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Doctor Who - The Virus in Time Part 4
Doctor Who - The Virus in Time Part 4
The two Doctors stood in silence, gazing around the heart of Gallifrey's power. This was the Matrix chamber, a place even the Doctors held in deep respect. The Matrix, which was itself powered from the Eye of Harmony, was made up of various computer units, interfaces and devices capable of recording events from anywhere in time. It was in reality a huge communal electronic brain made up of trillions of electro-chemical cells arranged in a continuous matrix pattern. In the centre of the room, to which the two Doctor's looked, stood a spherical lens shaped object approximately 10 feet in diameter, through which stream of almost pure white light passed. As the white light passed through the lens, it showed passages of time. Around the lens itself to was a two tier platform which had the words " Rassilon's Power is Supreme", written in Gallifreyan symbols. Both Doctor's thoughts turned to the problem in hand and almost simultaneously moved towards the control panels.
"Well I think we know what we have to do, but where do we start and what are we looking for? " the Sixth Doctor looked around the room " maybe only Rassilon knows."
"The first place to start should be the Matrix to ensure it hasn't been tampered with. Then the connections with the Panopticon." the Fifth Doctor stopped in mid-sentence suddenly realising what they all may have missed. "So simple, the Panopticon." With that the Fifth Doctor headed towards one of the control panels his mind lost in his thoughts.
"Well I suppose I've got to do all the work, wandering off like that, the Matrix control panel I think." the Sixth Doctor knew no-one was there for his performance, but he had to keep up the image. He too set off towards a control panel to see if he could find any clues.
The gloved hand set a few more controls making certain his job was done. The Tardis began to shake more violently than before, it was starting to break up. Then out of nowhere, a strange man wandered out of the Tardis, looking around quite bewildered at where he was.
"Young man! I say young man!" he shouted.
But the man turned and fled through a doorway, just as Nyssa returned with the two Doctors.
"I'm sure I heard a voice. He must be here somewhere, unless he's...Did you feel that, that movement?" Sarah Jane forgot about the voice.
"We're moving.” replied Peri “Lets get out of here or at least find the control room."
"I only hope I can remember my way back" said Sarah Jane.
The two began to follow what they thought was a route back, but fate was playing against them.
The two Doctors looked towards the new arrival, and then at the Tardis he was about to enter.
"I say, its beginning to close, could someone help me? I think there's someone inside." said the old man.
"Sarah Jane and..." said the Fourth Doctor.
"Peri!" Nyssa said nervously.
"Take a look at these controls” said the Third Doctor. “Someone's tampered with them, and they won't budge!" He forced the lever to move down without any success.
"With the Tardis dissolving there is no way of finding the main door, how can we get them out?" The Fourth Doctor stared at the control panel, hoping to find a solution.
"Time corridor" said the old man.
"What?" The Third Doctor looked puzzled at the comment.
"Oh, well I read it somewhere, or did I used to teach it? Anyway it allows access to part of time or is it space?" The old man began to read from a pocket book he had retrieved from his jacket.
"The Tardis quick! I know what he means." The Fourth Doctor ran towards the old blue box.
"Someone will have to control the flow between the two Tardis, use the frame power to err.. Oh what was it now?" the old man had walked towards the console at which the Third Doctor stood.
"I'll try and control the power flow regulators from here. You will have to find the two, then link." The Third Doctor began to adjust controls, trying to slow the decay of the machine in front of him.
Sarah Jane and Peri turned another corner, only to find it to was a dead end. As they began to backtrack, the room before them suddenly closed.
"The doorways are changing, we're trapped” cried Peri. “We're not going to make it out!" Peri was becoming more frightened and more confused.
The Fourth Doctor rushed into the Tardis, knowing he had very little time to spare. Quickly he set controls hoping his other self was having some success.
Outside the Third Doctor had stopped some of the damage, allowing him to link the two time machines, hoping that the two companions could still be found.
"There, hold that lever where it is, I should be able to make the link now. We don't have long, err..." he said turning to the third companion.
"It's Nyssa, Doctor." She was slightly unsure of herself, not really knowing if the Doctor was angry with them all.
"I think we have a link, it's up to him now" said the Third Doctor, pointing towards his Tardis.
"That does it, the link is made now, if we all have worked correctly." the Fourth Doctor pressed another button and left to open the Tardis doors.
"Every time I touch a wall or door it changes or vanishes, it's almost like this Tardis is falling apart. Oh why didn't you stay put Sarah Jane, that's what he, they, them, which ever one will be saying." Sarah Jane watched yet another wall fade, another way out gone.
"So much for a simple job, they always disappear when trouble starts, I only hope they arrive in the nick of time." said Peri more to herself then to Sarah Jane.
The wall behind Peri began to change causing her to move away and watch for just that hope of escape. But this change was somewhat different than others, for its structure looked more solid than before, more like a doorway. Then before the two companions could examine this new change, the Fourth Doctor appeared in its frame, a familiar Cheshire cat grin giving his friends new hope.
"This way quickly, no explanations." Without another word he was gone again.
The two companions looked at each other, then the door and ran to safety, neither looking back.
"Well, that's about it, and a job well done!" said the Fifth Doctor emerging from under one of the main transducers that fed power from the Panopticon to the Matrix.
"Step a side, let a superior technician check your work, after all you were never that good!" replied the Sixth Doctor, eager to spot a mistake.
The Fifth Doctor was quite put out by the remark and spied his chance for revenge.
"I'm amazed that we've fitted all this equipment in here, and still had room for you and your ego. It's quite a squeeze!"
"Now look!" said the Sixth Doctor as he stood up to face yet another argument.
Before either could continue a sound began to emanate from the Matrix Lens, which grew louder in pitch. As both looked towards the Matrix, a blinding light filled the room causing both the Doctor's to a step backwards. For a moment neither moved allowing their eyes time to adjust, only to find a shape forming in the centre. Both looked at each other, then back to the figure, before moving with some caution.
"Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart! How nice to see you again." said the Fifth Doctor as he walked towards the figure.
The Sixth Doctor picked up a scanner and began to check the figure, wondering if the Matrix was about to retrieve him. After a few moments the scanner produced quite remarkable information that made the Sixth Doctor worry.
"He appears a stable, human life form, late 20th Century I'd say." said the Sixth Doctor moving around a bemused Brigadier.
"Well, could one of you inform me of where I happen to be this time?" said the Brigadier.
The two Doctor's looked at the scanner, whispered for a few minutes then the Fifth Doctor walked the Brigadier away from the Matrix.
"Ah well, you seem to have been, how could I put it? You are a part of our past, let free by our main memory computer, and you're on Gallifrey, my err, our home planet." The Fifth Doctor stood directly in front of the Brigadier.
"Of course Doctor, it will take time to fully understand your explanation, but then I should expect the unusual whenever I find you." The Brigadier turned towards the Sixth Doctor. "And are you another Timelord or just caught up like myself?"
"I happen to be one of him, his senior if you please." The Sixth Doctor walked away to examine part of the Matrix control system.
"What did he mean your senior?" The Brigadier stopped in mid sentence. "Not another one of you. as in another Doctor?"
"Yes well I'm afraid its true and you'll find that a few more of me have been summoned here, it may be a little confusing." The Fifth Doctor stood by the Brigadier wondering what would happen next.
"I think you'd better come here, I've found what could be a link between the Matrix and our Tardis." The Sixth Doctor looked towards the others. His face showing a concern not often seen.
All three moved towards one of the computer consoles, just as a second flash of light filled the room.
"Now I wonder who's arrived this time" said the Sixth Doctor as he turned round.
In haze of the light two figures almost waddled towards them. The Sixth Doctor suddenly recognised the shapes and calmly tapped the Fifth Doctor on the shoulder.
"I don't wish to worry you be if he is real, then I hope these aren't."
The Fifth Doctor and the Brigadier both looked round, just in time to see two Yetis walking towards them.
"My God Yetis! Who else have you lot invited?" asked the Brigadier.
"We didn't invite you or them, you've both just appeared. I suggest we call for reinforcements, don't you agree?" asked the Fifth Doctor.
The three large 2 meter tall biped’s covered in brown fur from head to toe, seemed to be carrying some sort of hand weapon. Before anyone could move the first Yeti fired at the console to the left, causing it to explode and alarms to ring. This prompted action from all three, as they dived for cover behind other consoles. The years of training kept the Brigadier calm, he had seen these before and of course whenever the Doctor was involved, things were never what they seemed.
The second Yeti started firing now, not aiming at anything in particular it seemed, giving the Brigadier his chance. He took out his pistol from its holster and preyed it still worked.
"If Benton were here I'd be saying five rounds rapid. I hope I'm still a good shot." the Brigadier said to himself.
Without a second thought the Brigadier moved from behind the console and fired two shots, hitting the Yeti dead centre. Unfortunately this caused the Yeti to turn towards the location of the shots. The Brigadier realised that things were not going to improve and that it was time to find other cover. He moved from his position only to find that the second Yeti was directly in his path. It was too late to move this time as the Yeti raised it's hand in attack, then promptly its back exploded, throwing it forward and knocking the Brigadier off his feet.
The Seventh Doctor had watched more than an hour of material from the Matrix, each piece showing almost the same story. The Doctor viewed another disappearance of a Timelord, his 8th in total, each followed the same pattern. The first sign of trouble occurred somewhere in the Timelord's past, one minute everything was fine, then disaster.
"Well I have one starting point, the past. Why alter a Timelord's past?" The Seventh Doctor looked around him realising he was alone again. "I must stop talking to myself, if the others were here they would." The Seventh Doctor stopped as a thought slowly formed around the pictures he'd seen. Without a moments hesitation he accessed information from the Matrix hoping the answer was wrong. The screen displayed a variety of Gallifreyan symbols as it complied the final answer, the one, which the Doctor hoped, would not be there.
"It knows where, when and who to attack. It's designed to start at the beginning, always finding the first so that it can." The Doctor's concentration was broken by a scream from outside his room. He entered the corridor without thinking of the danger he may face, only to find a fellow Gallifreyan cowering by a doorway. As the Doctor approach the figure he spotted part of a boot close by and picked it up.
"He was there!, He was right there! I was THERE!" The other Timelord pointed to where the boot had been, his face in a fit of terror.
"What happened?" Asked the Seventh Doctor.
The other Timelord starred into the vacant space almost willing his other self to return, but finding only the void coming back.
"We were talking about " He began to focus on the scene." We were talking about our first self." His voice became calm as he continued “He had not yet appeared and we were going to the Matrix chamber, to see if we could find him." Again he stopped, this time looking away from the fatal spot.
"And then what happen, what happened to your other self? Tell me!" The Seventh Doctor desperately needed this final part of his puzzle.
"The light closed around him, he just drained away, like sand through a crack in the ground. Just slipped, no sound, just slipped." He buried his face in his hands, memories turning into dust.
The Seventh Doctor went back into his room, looking around for an object of Gallifreyan technology to which he seldom used. Without too much delay he found what he sought on a shelf behind him, a scanning device. Returning to the scene, he found the stricken Timelord still huddled in the corner, fear surrounding him. The Seventh Doctor begin checking where the boot fell as two Gallifrey guards approached him, guns drawn looking for trouble.
"Ah, late as always, put those away you can't shoot this type of attack. Just make sure no-one comes down here for the moment." The Doctor began to scan the area as the two guards took to their new task, cautiously putting their guns away. The Doctor scanned the area hoping to find the vital clue, which would unlock the problem once and for all. Just as he was about to question the Timelord, a faint sound emitted from the scanner stopping the Doctor. The sound from the scanner grew louder as the Doctor tried to find its cause.
"Its here somewhere, look around for....". The party turned around at the cries from the other Timelord only to see him fade slowly from their view, powerless to help. A guard moved forward his hand outstretched in a desperate effort to save the stricken Timelord, the Doctor stopping him before they could touch.
"Unless you want to disappear too, I suggest you don't touch him." The Doctor's grip was firm on the young guard’s arm, as was his gaze.
The Doctor recovered his composure in time to scan the area while watching his colleague disappear leaving no trace at all. He turned away, not wishing to look back at the sight of the loss of another of his race. "Can you really find out what's happening or our we all to die like this?" asked the young guard. The Doctor looked at him wondering when both their times would come.
"I only hope there's someone around if we do find the answer." he said and walked off to find his other selves.
The Maceran was becoming more worried by the losses he heard over his communicator; it should not still be happening. They told him only one Timelord was to be altered, so that time could be corrected. Things were not going to plan at all. He must find the others to stop this madness once and for all.
"Now will you please stay put. It's bad enough having all my other selves to look after, let alone chasing others." The Third Doctor seemed to tower over the chastised companions, all of whom were silent.
"I think you two should see this, it may explain quite a lot." The Seventh Doctor entered the workshop with the scanner and a variety of computer discs.
As all three Doctors gathered, the Seventh Doctor activated the console they were around, and began to access the data he had complied.
"But this means it's programmed to attack, and not just us." The Fourth Doctor was the first to speak breaking the uneasy silence.
"So you could be on your way to stopping all this then and taking us home, not that I've not enjoyed myself. You are listening, aren't you Doctor? " Sarah Jane waited for one of them to answer back, not quite knowing if she should have even spoke.
"Someone or thing wants to get rid of us, as always, and now we have part of the problem, the solution must be in here. I wonder which of our enemies it is this time?" The Third Doctor began to make notes, while the other two rechecked the screen. "Sorry Sarah, did you say something, only I was a bit occupied" he continued.
"No. Nothing at all." said Sarah Jane trying to hide her disappointment. Then realising she had his attention continued " Doctor, can't we help in some small way perhaps?"
"Yes, so long as you do as you're told. I need you to help me with some tests I'm going to do on the Tardis." said the Third Doctor.
"Well he seems to back to his old self." thought Sarah Jane Jane.
"What about us, don't we get a look in?" Peri wasn't about to be ignored for anyone.
"I'm sure we all could do with some refreshments if you would be so kind." The Third Doctor's mind was already fighting some memory loss and could only concentrate on one companion at a time now.
"Oh fine, just like the other one, send us girls out for tea." Peri was not impressed.
"And when you come back there are tests you can help us with." interjected the Seventh Doctor.
As Peri and Nyssa went to the next room, a dark figure silently closed the one-way panel and moved along the hidden passages, to find his companions.
"Well I think the Matrix has shown us just what is affecting our universe. I also believe it will destroy the creators of this diabolical plot, if we're lucky." said the Sixth Doctor as he turned away from the Matrix console. The Fifth Doctor continued to study the remains of the Yetis.
“But did you not notice the one difference with these Yetis. They were carrying guns.” The Fifth Doctor looked down at the blacken guns surrounded by bits of Yeti.
“Yes, that is different.” The Sixth Doctor bent down to study along side his other self. “Almost as if the past is being changed. Maybe.”
"I don't wish to be rude, but when will I be returned to Earth? Asked the Brigadier. “I'm sure by now that I'll have been missed." He stood patiently waiting for the answer he knew he would never get. "However, when I meet up with any of you, trouble never seems to far behind. In some cases trouble is as ill prepared for you, as are the rest of us, Doctor. Doctor?" The Brigadier stopped, realising that no one was speaking and turned around to find the frightening reason why.
In front of them two armed Cybermen were slowly beginning to form! The Matrix console broke the two Doctors concentration, its sounds echoing trouble through out the Gallifrey capital.
Leela wondered why the Castellan had chosen her to check the outlaying towers. Should she not be with the Doctor to rejoin him in the fight against this evil? After all, her Doctor had lost a companion somewhere in the Tardis. Maybe that would be her next task. A lot had changed since she had last seen the Doctor.
"Well" she thought "only two more towers to check and the time barrier is vital in ensuring the safety of Gallifrey." As she approached the main entrance to the fifth tower all did not seem right, where were the guards?
"Hello is anybody about?" Leela tried to stay calm, but this was not getting any better.
"In here, help me, help..." the voice faded as Leela hurried to the doors.
"I'm here, where are you?" Leela found the light quite dim in the room and could not make out shapes so well.
"Here I am." The deep voice caused Leela to turn to her left, face to face with a vortex.
"It can't be happening!” cried Leela “you can't do this. I must warn the Doctor." Leela turned to escape, not seeing the black hand reach out. For a moment, as the hand touched her, she was briefly in the eye of the vortex, then gone. All that could be heard was the sound of fading deep laughter.
It had been a long time since Lethbridge-Stewart had last seen Cybermen and now was definitely not the best. The two citadel guards had entered the room the moment the alarm sounded but both were caught by vicious blasts from the Cybermen. The situation was beginning to get worse, as no one could enter or escape from the room.
"Doctor where are you?" shouted the Brigadier. There was no reply and that was even more worrying. "To lose one Doctor is bad, but two, things are becoming very involved." said the Brigadier to himself.
The Brigadier decided now was the time to move, however his move put him right into the path of the Cybermen.
"Well go on then, fire, damn you!" The brigadier stood square on knowing that this was the end.
The Cybermen raised their weapons, the enemy in their sights, and then cried out in pain and astonishment as they very quickly lost all form. Within seconds only molten metal was all that was left of the two. The Brigadier stood silent.
"Well now, fascinating, as some might say. Bad luck others." said the Sixth Doctor as he got up from behind one of the consoles.
"So, you're still alive then Doctor." The Brigadier looked him straight in the eye, “and I was worried, as always."
"You must know by now Brigadier, we always duck first." replied the Fifth Doctor.
"The Rassilon imprimature!” cried the Fifth Doctor. “I believe this fits part of my theory. I think it's time we found the others. Come on you two, no time to waste." The Sixth Doctor was heading for the door as guards came in.
"Check the place out and make sure no-one touches anything." He said hardly stopping for breath.
The Fifth Doctor and the Brigadier hurried along after the Sixth, leaving the guards to figure out for themselves what may have happened.
The workshop had become a hive of activity while two of the Doctors studied the results from various equipment. Each of them had their own way of working and none of the companions dared to interfere. The Seventh Doctor entering the room, declaring that he had found the vital clue, only broke the calm. Then all three of them fought over the very nature of its validity, until reluctantly the truth of the evidence broke down their pride.
"So, we're agreed for once, this must be a virus." The Seventh Doctor turned away from the viewer.
"I believe from my studies of the Tardis, that we have only found a small part of this virus” said the Third Doctor. “So complex is its construction that it can disguise itself in so many ways." The Third Doctor was becoming tired and finding it difficult to focus on his task.
"Impossible, a virus should only be able to attack people in one place." Sarah Jane realised she had stepped into the wrong conversation, and getting out was not going to be easy.
"Yes, a virus may well attack you humans in one place, but we are Timelords and this seems to find us anywhere." said the Third Doctor nodding to his companions.
"So we must all try to find a common link, maybe someone we have all seen recently." The Seventh Doctor began to think to himself.
"Maybe it's something genetic within our own selves” suggested the Fourth Doctor. “Something that's been dormant for centuries and only now it's been activated. We could be looking at the end of our race." The Fourth Doctor suddenly realised where his thoughts were leading him " My God, we could be the catalyst that destroys everything!"
"Oh, don't be so dramatic, we aren't that important you know.” said the Third Doctor. “If it was that bad then surely the Matrix would intervene or do something." The Third Doctor stood hands on hips, giving the Fourth Doctor an annoyed look.
"Dramatic? Oh well, sometimes I maybe. Where has Leela got to? I was sure she'd be finished by now” said the Fourth Doctor. “And where for that matter is the other one? I can't remember who, I've forgotten." The Fourth Doctor started to wander around seemingly to have also forgotten his prior argument.
"He has a point though." All turned towards Peri, who looked toward Sarah Jane and Nyssa for help.
"Maybe you should test us, after all we seem unaffected, and the virus could be in us rather than in yourselves." said Nyssa as she walked towards Peri.
"It's worth testing them for traces of this virus, just to be on the safe side. If they haven't got the virus, then maybe we can formulate an antidote." said the Third Doctor after a moments pause.
"Thanks, I didn't know if they would listen to me." Peri whispered to Nyssa as they waited to be tested.
Macaran moved as quietly as he could down the passage, nervously looking for the others, he was not supposed to come down here, so He had told him. But things were getting out of hand, going wrong or maybe they hadn't told him everything. Suddenly he heard voices and strained to hear their conversation.
"But they are getting closer. We didn't even get rid of those annoying companions." said a female voice.
Macaran moved forward closer to the opening of the chamber, afraid they might see him and of what they could do to him. He could see two figures in the dimly lit chamber, one he recognised as the Rani. The Castellan had told him about the renegade Timelord when he first took up his post. Macaran tried desperately to get a good view of the other, but all he could see was a figure dressed in a robe with a cord tried around the waist.
"Maybe we should accelerate the...." the voice stopped as the female held up her hand as a rock fell to the ground.
Macaran pressed his body closer to the cave wall hoping he hadn't been seen. He looked down at the rock he had carelessly knocked when moving his foot.
"Why had he not been more careful?" Macaran thought. Barely breathing, sweat began to trickle down his face, he dare not move and yet he seemed compelled to move. A voice called out to him, one he would always obey.
"Macaran, you can come out now, I can feel your presence." As the dark voice summoned him, Macaran was powerless to stop from moving into the chamber.
"What will you do now? He as seen all of us together. " said the Monk "He must be silenced or the Doctors will learn of us."
"No, I believe that Macaran will help us show the Doctors, just how great our power is." the voice came from the shadows behind Macaran.
Macaran fought with every fibre in his body to break free of the control he was under, not knowing who was behind that power.
A hooded figure moved from the darkness with a small box held in his right hand and faced Macaran.
"Here, take this box and find one of the Doctor's companions. The box will tell you what to do next. You will obey me Macaran, you have no will of your own, have you?"
Macaran mind was been bombarded by a power he had never experienced. It drowned his will in a sea of blackness. All he could do now was to obey, like many before him, who had faced such power.
"I will obey you Master." Macaran’s voice had no tone to it, no soul. "I think this will cause panic long enough, so that you may complete the task of releasing him." said the figure to his companion as he moved away from Macaran " Go then, my warrior, deliver my message to the world."
Macaran turned and walked out of the chamber, his mind lost forever as he began his final task.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
New Year New Post - Well almost
Greetings my dear readers.
What does Happy New Year really mean? Is it wishing the Year to be new and happy, who knows.
Well dear readers as you have seen the first three parts of my Doctor Who story have been posted on my blog. It is something I have wanted to do for quite some time now. There are a few more parts to go yet and I must thank my editor for all the pain (well not really pain).
And of course you dear readers for reading it. I am not sure how many people actually do what they dream of or even see the results. These days the internet allows for dreams to be created and realised however odd they might seem.
The Doctor Who story is very much something that has been running inside my mind for many years (over 15 it seems) and now is being 'published'.
More of that in this Happy New Year.
Archery update - My first indoor competition external as well. The first weekend of January, Saturday was a practice in very cold conditions. I had purchased some thermals over Christmas very handy and useful. Shooting at 25 yards rather than the normal 20, felt good. Could not wait to get the bow back in hand and feel the arrows fly.
Sunday was the day of the competition and the team had to be at the place by 9.30am. So an unearthly start at 6.30am - yes Sunday morning - in the dark and the cold. And the snow. It was a little surreal getting up that early and seeing the Moon but all in a good cause.
The place itself was we thought going to be cold. And how wrong we all were, they had full hall length heaters. The actual shoot was very good, scored 474 out of 600 at 25 yards. Overall I came 21st out of 31. Now considering that I have just completed 1 year I feel I have made great progress.
I really am enjoying archery, its more than a sport now to me, it has a power, a passion, an enjoyment and something I can see me doing for years to come.
And in the next couple of weeks I have 3 more comp's all indoor so I will post more results in the future blogs. I do recommend that people find that sport or hobby that gives them the escape they need and gives them a sense of who they are inside.
Ok well my first 2010 blog done and updates to my dear readers.
I guess I ought to have some sort of strap-line (a writers thing) at the end of my blogs so here goes.
'May your arrows find gold'
What does Happy New Year really mean? Is it wishing the Year to be new and happy, who knows.
Well dear readers as you have seen the first three parts of my Doctor Who story have been posted on my blog. It is something I have wanted to do for quite some time now. There are a few more parts to go yet and I must thank my editor for all the pain (well not really pain).
And of course you dear readers for reading it. I am not sure how many people actually do what they dream of or even see the results. These days the internet allows for dreams to be created and realised however odd they might seem.
The Doctor Who story is very much something that has been running inside my mind for many years (over 15 it seems) and now is being 'published'.
More of that in this Happy New Year.
Archery update - My first indoor competition external as well. The first weekend of January, Saturday was a practice in very cold conditions. I had purchased some thermals over Christmas very handy and useful. Shooting at 25 yards rather than the normal 20, felt good. Could not wait to get the bow back in hand and feel the arrows fly.
Sunday was the day of the competition and the team had to be at the place by 9.30am. So an unearthly start at 6.30am - yes Sunday morning - in the dark and the cold. And the snow. It was a little surreal getting up that early and seeing the Moon but all in a good cause.
The place itself was we thought going to be cold. And how wrong we all were, they had full hall length heaters. The actual shoot was very good, scored 474 out of 600 at 25 yards. Overall I came 21st out of 31. Now considering that I have just completed 1 year I feel I have made great progress.
I really am enjoying archery, its more than a sport now to me, it has a power, a passion, an enjoyment and something I can see me doing for years to come.
And in the next couple of weeks I have 3 more comp's all indoor so I will post more results in the future blogs. I do recommend that people find that sport or hobby that gives them the escape they need and gives them a sense of who they are inside.
Ok well my first 2010 blog done and updates to my dear readers.
I guess I ought to have some sort of strap-line (a writers thing) at the end of my blogs so here goes.
'May your arrows find gold'
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Doctor Who - The Virus in Time Part 3
Part 3
In a distant constellation could be found the home of Time Lords; the planet known as Gallifrey. It was surrounded by darkness in a star speckled background awaiting the many to return. Amid the barren wild landscape stood many small domes and towers, encircling a single massive domed city, where learned men and women checked and discussed, all hoping for the One to return.
The Eighth Doctor was fighting with the Tardis controls, trying to force his version to land before the others.
“Come on old girl. If we don’t land first the rest will truly be history.” The Eighth Doctor held on to the console as the Tardis seemed to lurch again.
“That’s it. Now we can do it. Once I have landed then I will force the others to land in reverse.” The Eighth Doctor smiled as the Tardis started to land.
In one of many workshops inside the main dome, two technicians dressed in all white, checked the arrival of a new time ship.
"Sir, there appears to be another Tardis returning, it's an old type TT 40, I'll centre it down here in bay 5." The younger man turned towards his older companion.
A familiar sound penetrated the Gallifrey workshop, as a slightly battered, blue police box materialised within the confines of a white frame. As the Tardis started to appear the young technician noticed a strange reading on his scope.
“Sir the TT 40. Its not one arriving. It seems to be many. Sir, is this the Doctor?” The older man looked at the scope with some concern.
“It may well be him, but something is very wrong. Seems one incarnation is trying to hold up the rest.” The older man pushed a bronze coloured lever trying to help one of the incarnations to land
Inside the Tardis the Eighth Doctor struggled with the controls as he forced the materialisation. Suddenly the Tardis went deathly quiet as the dematerialisation stopped.
“Well done old girl, now we just have to wait. My Third self will have to land first now, and then others.” The Eighth Doctor looked around at the darkened control room and waited.
In the workshop as the Tardis started to materialise a tall man with dark short swept-back hair, a pointed beard and moustache, dressed in black trousers and a black jacket stopped to look at the blue box. The man known as The Master realised who was returning.
The Third Doctor stared at the Tardis controls as the central time rotor stopped. The control room seemed to phase for a moment as the Tardis settled from its landing.
"Ah home, come on Sarah” said the Third Doctor “Seems we have arrived first, thats not how we planned it." and he began to exit his Tardis.
"Welcome back, dear Doctor." said the Master.
The Third Doctor's face darkened, as the words reached him from across the room.
"Welcome back! I'm afraid that Lethbridge-Stewart didn't hit you hard enough” replied the Third Doctor. “Its a shame that you weren't imprisoned in the Tomb of Rassilon along with Borusa and the other maniacs."
"If I had been, you would have been executed by the order of the high council over the Ravalox incident." The Master stood facing the Third Doctor with a sly grin.
"Ravalox? I've not heard of this?" replied a puzzled Third Doctor.
"You'll find out in time. But for now, we have to work together and I'm prepared to bury the hatchet." said the Master.
"Yes in my head no doubt! Well I'll not give you the chance, come on Sarah Jane we're leaving now. Good-bye." The Third Doctor took a step into the Tardis just as another voice called out to him.
"Wait! Wait Doctor, I can explain all." The Third Doctor turned to see another man dressed in a bright red tunic.
The Third Doctor waited in the Tardis doorway as the person dressed in a red tunic, red trousers, a red cape and an ornate gold coloured head piece approached.
"Doctor I am Castellan. Many Timelords have been recalled, the problem affects us all Doctor, we know that more of your selfs are due to return. We have had no success as yet to the cause of this problem. We all hope you can help, along with others." He turned towards the man in black known as the Master. "The Lord President is here waiting to see you and other colleagues, to find some way around this."
At that point a tall elegant woman entered the room followed by two Gallifrey guards.
"Yes Doctor, the Master is telling the truth for once. Unfortunately we had to recall him as well as yourselves to try to assess the situation and find a solution and save Gallifrey. It's almost liked the Rassilon incident Doctor.” The Lord President began to explain. "It appears we Timelords, from the lowest grades in the outer world, to the highest trusted members of the council are being..."She struggles for the right word.
"Dissolved?" speculates the Master.
"It’s not just Time Lords either I fear" said the Third Doctor "I believe you will find that our Tardis too are suffering." The Third Doctor stepped out of the Tardis calling Sarah Jane to follow, walking towards the President before turning towards the Master.
"Of course you know if this is a trap, I will find a way out, as I always do."
"For once Doctor, I do hope that you can find a way out, for this time, I fear it is beyond even the great Omega to help." The Master's chilling words echoed through the workshop, as the Lord President felt the uneasy tension.
"This way, if you please Doctor, we have much to do and time is running against even us. Many of our greatest minds have been assembled to help solve this, whatever it is. Some however, have not been as lucky, but that will all be explained later." The Lord President wondered if just one man could solve the problem and was saddened by her last statement.
"I, we " the Third Doctor looked at Sarah Jane "are at your service Lord President. Please lead the way, I've a few friends to see." As the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane began to follow the Lord President out of the workshop, the Third Doctor turned once more to the Master.
"I will be back, old chap." the Third Doctor smiled and continued on his way. The console bleeped again to indicate another Tardis and the Master began to co-ordinate its arrival, well aware of what each Time Lord could do.
As the Fourth Doctor paced up and down in the confines of the Tardis control room, a scanner caught his eye.
"How interesting, I think we may have to make a small detour Romana, look at this." he said activating the flight controls.
"What's so special about that signal, Doctor?" Romana was puzzled by the event.
"Well, for one it matches part of the signal from the Tardis." he stopped in mid sentence.
"Go on, Doctor what's the second point then." Romana prompted, now eager to find clues to the mystery.
"Well, it's in part of my home village." He stared blankly at the scanner hoping for an explanation, but none was there.
"Sir, one of the Tardis' has changed course and is heading towards the Southern region of Gallifrey. Shall I bring it back on course or leave it alone?" the young Gallifreyan technician turned towards the Master and the Castellan.
"He may be a little old and rusty” replied the Master. “We'd better help him along. Bring him in if you can."
"No Maceran. Let him visit his old village, he must be after something and with this the Fourth regeneration of the Doctor I believe?" said the Castellan waiting for confirmation from the technician, who nodded back." With his Tardis in Gallifreyan time, the rest will still be able to land here, according to the Matrix." The Castellan finished pointing at one of the readouts in front of him. Again the sound of a Tardis filled the room, alerting everyone that maybe another Doctor was about to confuse the growing crowd.
The Third Doctor's gaze wandered around the room, it had been a long time since his last proper visit to a council chamber. The only change had been to improve the decor and hopefully some of the outdated thinking. The problem was more serious than the Third Doctor had ever thought considering the number of Timelords gathered, in some cases, like the Doctor ,even their other selves were present.
"The Matrix must be working overtime just to keep each time-stream present, let alone keep everyone sane." The Third Doctor rubbed his chin the way Sarah Jane had seen a thousand times before.
"Any old friends in this lot then Doctor, or are you in one of your unrecognisable regenerations?" The comment caused a smile to flicker in the Third Doctor's grim features.
"We Timelords never forget a regeneration Sarah, you should know that." As he finished one of his fellow Timelords approached them.
"It's so good to see that you have been able to rejoin us Brother. I do hope that we can help solve this conundrum together, just like old times." The old Timelord then turned and headed straight towards another group, without giving the Third Doctor chance to reply.
"Well, who was he!" whispered Sarah Jane.
The Third Doctor rubbed his chin again, then the back of his neck and finally stood motionless before answering.
"I haven't the faintest idea." He confessed.
As the Sixth Doctor stepped out of the rear doorway of the Tardis, he focused his intentions on a group of people already engaged in conversation.
"But I tell you Doctor I am here to help and you are the second regeneration I've told this to." said the Master to the Fifth Doctor.
"Well, well who let you back in, I thought you had been dealt with, or are you who we are to deal with?" The Master turned to find the Sixth Doctor now joining the interrogation.
"For once Doctor, Doctors " said the Master trying to keep his composure, "I am working for the common good. This problem, this thing has even affected my Tardis, take a look for yourselves." The Master pointed to a corner of the room where another white frame contained a black box, his Tardis in its natural state and decaying more rapidly than others.
"Anyone can cause that sort of damage if he knows what to do." said the Fifth Doctor.
"I agree, send for the guards young man, let them sort him out." said the Sixth Doctor to the now bewildered technician.
The Master was beginning to think, despite the emergency, one Doctor was more than enough to compete with, let alone three.
The blue police box materialised outside a small village, close to one of Gallifrey's mountain ranges. The Fourth Doctor made his final checks, grabbed his long scarf, hat and coat and then told Romana to wait for him and not to follow.
"Well look here. There is nothing to be seen, no fires, no pets. How very disturbing. The signal appears to be coming from inside that cave over there." The Fourth Doctor looked around, forgetting at first he had told Romana to wait. Continuing onwards, he boldly strode towards the far end of the village, which lead toward the caves, casting the occasional glance around. Nearing the outskirts of the village, the Fourth Doctor heard a sound, stopping him in his tracks. Just ahead stood two bronze coloured, enclosed cylinders with three odd looking sticks protruding from the body.
There before his very eyes materialised two Daleks, the most feared race in the known universe. However something was not quite what it seemed, for the Daleks, at first, looked almost lost. Feeling quite uplifted by this observation, the Fourth Doctor decided to be friendly.
"A jelly baby may help the memories return." he said holding out a bag of sweets towards the Daleks.
For a moment the two Daleks looked at each without saying a word, both were totally confused but at least recognised who was in front of them.
"You are the one called the Doctor." said one of the Daleks.
"Yes that's right." replied the Fourth Doctor.
"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" bellowed the pair in unison and began to fire just after the Fourth Doctor dived for cover.
The two Daleks continued to fire, despite not knowing where they were, and who or what had brought them. Much to the Fourth Doctor's annoyance, he too found the appearance of the Daleks most upsetting, especially as they were getting too close for comfort.
"We can always talk this through, you know." he shouted over the noise of explosions around him.
After a few seconds the attack suddenly stopped. The Fourth Doctor slowly started to stand assuming the Daleks would be reasonable and talk. The two Daleks had stopped firing, not at his request but because they were fading. Then without any warning, as they faded, both of them exploded leaving little fragments of Daleks shell. The Fourth Doctor moved forward sweeping his scarf out of the way and bent down to picked up a piece. With care he examined a piece of the shell, then stood up and carried on towards the caves, as though nothing had happened.
Inside the Gallifreyan workshop a man dressed in a dark brown jacket, brown checked trousers, a white shirt and a red and cream paisley silk tie, was looking at the scene before him. He placed his umbrella over his right shoulder before heading to join in the heated discussion.
"Well if I find it's a trap of yours I, or we, will find a way out." said the Fifth Doctor.
"Another of you has already made that point today." The Master was rapidly becoming tired of this.
"Oh!" The Fifth Doctor was sure he was the first to point this out, and was put out by the Master’s almost off hand comment.
"I thought you'd been trapped back on that savage world! Guards, arrest this man, he is the Master!" cried the Seventh Doctor triumphantly.
The Master’s eyes closed as he tried to remain in control of what was fast becoming a mini riot.
"How many more times do I have to explain myself, I too have been recalled! The Lord President herself sent my Tardis to get me. Now I have to contend with 4 Doctors." He was now surrounded by more of his mortal foes than he liked, making him feel claustrophobic.
"I still think we should take him to the guards and let the Matrix find out the truth." said the Sixth Doctor, leaning closer to his prey.
"I'd like to hear his story from the beginning, since I've only just arrived." remarked the Seventh Doctor.
Suddenly out of nowhere, help appeared for the Master, in the sound of another returning Tardis. Only this sound was very wrong, very wrong indeed.
The further the Fourth Doctor explored, the brighter the glow became, until at last he spotted its source. Three blue crystals glowing at him, reaching out to be taken and yet for once, caution steadied him.
"Now I need something to put you all in” said the Fourth Doctor rummaging through his pockets, “Let me see what I have."
Moving slowly from its hiding place, the dark shape of a giant spider dropped inch by inch towards its victim. The Fourth Doctor reached out towards the second of the crystals, carefully making sure he disturbed as little as he could around them. The spider held its ground for a few seconds, savouring the delights of victory, unaware of the peril it was facing. A bolt of energy seared through the air taking the spider totally by surprise, before its life expired. The commotion startled the Fourth Doctor causing him to look behind, only to find others in the cave.
"You always forget to look behind you. When will you ever learn Doctor." said the tall female.
"Do you see anything wrong with these crystals K-9?" asked the Fourth Doctor of his old metal friend.
"Thank you Leela, you’re welcome Doctor, how did you get here Leela?" said Leela out loud to herself.
"Still worried about the little things, isn't she K-9" said the Fourth Doctor. "Master!" came the familiar sound.
In the workshop, all the Doctors and the Master were focused on the returning time ship. They all appeared to understand that this was no ordinary problem. No longer did the Doctors appear to be at the Master’s throat.
"We're not getting the dimensional stability within the frame, boost power by 10%." The Sixth Doctor remained calm and focused despite the chaos around him.
"Power up by 10%, frame power now 153% it won't hold much more." said the Fifth Doctor.
"We need just a few more minutes to pull the Tardis through” said the Master hoping to coax just a bit more power. “It must survive, we need more pattern to focus it."
Maceran stood wondering how the group of Time Lords could change so suddenly. It was however, the only chance for the Tardis that was trying to land.
"The frame’s beginning to collapse, the Tardis just won't materialise, it can't focus." said the Sixth Doctor, his voice becoming more tense. Then from the background came a voice no one wanted to hear.
"Look Doctor...oh my ...what's happening to it!" cried Peri.
All stopped to see a black triangle shimmer into the white frame, however it did not last.
"Doctor, it's fading, it's decaying!" The Master's voice broke the silence.
Before anyone could respond the Tardis faded, allowing everyone to see the Timelord trapped inside, desperate to escape. Without warning the Tardis seemed to cry out one last time, as it tried to materialise. The room fell silent as the last elements of the Tardis faded from view, only to be followed by the scream of its occupant, lost forever.
"That should have been impossible. I really did think that Tardis were indestructible, once the frame had control of them. You all know the consequences of that." It was the Fifth Doctor who broke into the void. "We have lost more than this one Timelord. I have seen people..." the Master paused, "I hope we can destroy this. I'd better report this to the Lord President. Please follow me, its time you all met the rest."
Turning towards Maceran he continued, "When the remaining Doctors’ incarnations arrive, inform the Castellan."
No words were spoken between Timelords and companions, as they followed the Master out of the workshop towards the main chambers.
"That's all the information that we currently have, and with the return of the Doctors, maybe this problem can be solved. I must stress, even I have been affected." The group murmured, "My access to the Matrix has been broken, never has a President lost control of the Matrix. Time is not with us; it has become our biggest hurdle. To your tasks Timelords, the answer is in your hands." The Lord President tried to convey hope in both her speech and her voice, but there was doubt deep in her mind.
The room emptied slowly as Timelords went to their allocated tasks, unaware of the extra eyes watching them, hidden and waiting.
"I'll leave you all here, I must see the Lord President. For once we all need each other, its time we worked together. Please wait, I won't be long." The Master exited the room, allowing the reunited group to conclude their previous conversation. It was the Third Doctor who began again.
"Well from what I've been told, it appears the whole fabric of our existence is in danger, past and present."
"What makes you say the past is involved?" queried the Sixth Doctor. Before the Third Doctor could continue the Seventh Doctor interrupted
"I believe you are referring to incarnations 1 and 2, since they could not get here or to the MANTA room." he paused "What has occurred? Are they stranded in time somewhere?" The other incarnations looked at the Seventh Doctor as he spoke.
"We have to face the real truth, the truth we don't want to talk about, the truth that drives us to find an answer." The Fifth Doctor stood up to face them all.
"You mean two parts of us are gone, lost, as though ... they never were there." The Sixth Doctor began to stumble in his thoughts, as though. "My memories seem to be going, I know we had more but... conference quickly!"
He got up, not waiting for the others to reply. They all stood eyes closed, melding minds, information and most importantly memories.
"What are they doing?" asked Peri, whispering to the other two companions.
"I'm not sure, I've travelled with two of them and they still can be mysterious. I know they can receive thoughts; the last one I was with did before he had to leave. He does not seem to be here." replied Sarah Jane.
"I wonder if it's a quicker way of communicating with each other." said Nyssa.
"I've no idea what goes on. The mind of a Timelord appears as complex as his Tardis. By the way since they probably won't introduce us, my name is Sarah Jane Smith." Sarah Jane held out her hand out to the others.
"I'm Nyssa." replied Nyssa shaking hands.
"And I'm Peri." smiled Peri.
"Well I hope we can keep track of whose Doctor is whose, sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing getting to know them." Sarah Jane looked at the Doctors.
"Your life would have been boring if it hadn't been for me." replied the Third Doctor without looking up.
"We will have to go to the Matrix Room itself, I fear it could be blocking parts of what we wish to discuss." The Seventh Doctor made his way towards the door. "However, we may not have the time maybe...."
"Timelord Doctor... Timelord Doctor. Please report to main workshop." A voice called from out of the air.
"Now here's an interesting problem, I wonder which one of them will go?" said Peri to her new friends.
"I'll go to the workshop, you others go to the Matrix." said the Fifth Doctor.
"No it's best if I go to the workshop, I spent many a happy hour, trying to fix the Tardis, while exiled on Earth." replied the Third Doctor.
"This could go on for hours." Nyssa said sitting down. "It might be the only chance we have to talk to each other."
The eyes had left the chamber, moving through the Citadel by secret passages forgotten in time. The chamber was badly lit, covered in dust and part of the Time Lords past they had long left behind from when Rassilon first gave them their power.
The almost invisible figure stopped at the sound of movement from behind, only to see a dark small tail disappear into the shadows. The figure looked around once more, and then silently moved on its way.
The Tardis seemed too quiet even for Romana, at least with the Fourth Doctor around there was someone to talk to. Romana shivered as though a cold wind was blowing. She looked around, no doors were open.
"Doctor where are you?" she said more to keep up her own spirits than anything.
Suddenly a figure dressed in a white robe appeared in front of Romana. Before she could move, a hand grabbed her arm and both faded away. Moments later the Tardis doors opened as the Fourth Doctor and Leela entered the Tardis.
"It's been quite sometime since I last visited a Tardis. I do miss the old times." remarked Leela as the Fourth Doctor activated the controls.
"Funny. I could have sworn I told Romana to stay here." said the Fourth Doctor. "Or maybe I didn't bring her. My, I'm almost becoming forgetful. Still press on, must get to Gallifrey."
"But Doctor, we are on Gallifrey." replied Leela who was becoming a little worried by the Fourth Doctor's behaviour.
As the Tardis dematerialised two figures viewed the event from afar, the one dressed in white, the other was Romana.
"Why am I here? What is going on?" she asked the man in white.
"I cannot explain as yet, except to say you’re maybe our last hope. Your future has already been decided and I cannot allow you to visit the citadel until the last possible moment. Do not worry Romana, I too hope this will not be necessary." said the old man.
"But why must I wait until the end. Would I not be best employed helping the Doctor fight this thing?" Romana asked the White Guardian.
"I cannot reveal to you, that which may become of you. We can only observe for the time being. That is all. Now it is time for us to leave." said the White Guardian. As both faded from view, a cold wind swept out into the voids of time and space.
The door opened giving the Lord President no time to formulate her first sentence.
"You pompous old fool, I have more skill than all of you." shouted the Sixth Doctor.
"Pompous! I bet there's no mirrors on the Tardis any more." snarled the Third Doctor.
"If you have finished." The Lord President found no one was listening. "Enough Doctors!"
All in the room turned towards the Lord President stopping them in mid sentence.
"That's better. Now you Doctor the one dressed like a dandy." pointing at the Third Doctor.
"At your service Lord President." replied the Third Doctor.
"You will leave for the workshop, take your companions along, they will be safer there. You will find someone on hand to assist you. Now, Doctors 5 and 6 I believe."
"Yes, Lord President." replied the Fifth Doctor.
"Yours to command of course." said the Sixth, bowing mockingly.
"Yes, well, the Matrix Room needs to be checked, I want you to find out why I can't gain access." She turned to the last Doctor. "I need someone to review certain events that have occurred."
The Lord President moved away followed by the Seventh Doctor, allowing everyone to go to his or her various tasks.
A voice whispered coldly on the chill air, calling her deeper into the dimly lit cavern.
"When will you appear, why can't I see you?" she said, half scared. "Later, all has not yet been prepared, the sign will be the same." the voice echoed around her." Go, wait for the others."
As the Third Doctor and the companions entered the workshop, Sarah Jane noticed a familiar wool scarf next to an unforgettable hat.
"Doctor! It's so good to see you again. You do know the trouble we're in, I suppose. And there are four more of you about as well.. It's good to see you." Sarah Jane realised everyone was staring at her, including the two Doctors.
"I see you haven't changed a bit really," smiled the Fourth Doctor " you still find the most trivial things so interesting, so..."
"Dramatic?" interjected the Third Doctor.
"It's impossible! Why do I ever talk to you.. you two, three.." Sarah Jane walked off fuming.
"Well at least you did make it this time. What's wrong, you look as though you've lost something." the Third Doctor asked of the Fourth.
"Well yes and no I suppose. I mean yes, I've lost someone and no I've found someone. But most of all, I've found these." The Fourth Doctor put the three blue crystals down on one of the benches for all to see.
"Part of the mystery?" asked Sarah Jane.
"These may well be our first part of the answer." replied the Fourth Doctor.
The eyes had returned to view the chamber eagerly, awaiting another of her kind.
"All of the Doctors have finally arrived, so vengeance can begin." said the dark figure.
"So when can we release the dark-one from his infinite prison?" the woman asked, looking around nervously.
"Soon. Already we have claimed six Timelords and, with hope, their ancestors. I am preparing the necessary failures which will give us the power."
"How will you disguise the change in the Matrix?” asked the woman. Won't the Lord President detect the disturbance?"
"She has tried the Coronet and felt the fear it’s created. I will contact you and the Monk within the hour, until then remain hidden. If you are discovered by any of the Doctors I will not raise a finger to help you."
With that the dark figure left, causing the light to catch the features of the woman. Anyone who saw her face would have feared greatly, for the light revealed the heart-shaped face and chilling blue-grey eyes of the Rani. Dressed in a silk purple-grey jacket, matching trousers and black boots, she stood watching the dark figure disappear into the gloom. She knew the risks and yet hoped all their plans would triumph.
The two Doctors' walked towards the main Matrix room, not wishing to exchange a glance at each other. They passed a number of other Timelords, each noting the silent wall between the two.
It was the Sixth Doctor who broke into voice.
"Well I suppose we have to speak in order to accomplish anything” he said “What do you think we are looking for here?”
"Otherwise one of us may be forced to enter the Matrix” finished the Sixth Doctor. “Not something I would personally like to do considering the effects so far. Well here we are."
They reached the Matrix room, which was guarded by four of the most seriously looking security guards the two had ever encountered.
"I, we, are Timelords called the Doctor” bellowed the Sixth Doctor “Now out of our way for we have much to do!" The group looked at the pair of renegades, hands on their stasers, then all turned to listen to a voice from down the corridor.
"You can let them in, here are their passes from the Lord President." The other guard handed two passes to one from the group, who checked them very carefully.
"Thank you Captain Maxil. Here you two, one each and keep them with you." The guard handed the Doctors each a pass then opened the door with an electronic key.
"Thank you Captain you arrived just in time." said the Fifth Doctor. "What, oh yes thank you." the Sixth Doctor said, looking for the first time at the Captain. The Sixth Doctor and the Captain stared at each other before the Fifth Doctor interrupted both their thoughts.
"Are we going in or not?" He stood hand pointing towards the open door.
The Sixth Doctor walked away not quite believing his own eyes, as did Captain Maxil as he too went about his duties.
"I seem to remember him from the last time I was on Gallifrey, he was a Commander then. Pity about his ungainly features." The Fifth Doctor smiled as he entered the Matrix room, leaving the Sixth Doctor speechless at the site of his own features.
"Damned cheek of that man taking my face and not looking after it. Did you see that?" The Sixth Doctor turning to find only the four guards were left, walked into the Matrix carrying himself as dignified as he could.
The two Doctors had been examining the crystals for well over 10 minutes and no one in the room dared break their combined concentration. In a far corner of the workshop, Sarah Jane, Nyssa and Peri, were swapping stories of their travels with the Timelords.
"Well I think we need a tridimensional analyser, there's one next door. I won't be long." said the Third Doctor.
The Third Doctor began to walk towards the door, when the Fourth Doctor shouted after him.
"We also need a chemical analyser as well." The Third Doctor walked towards the door and stopped at the three companions. "We won't be long, touch nothing. Please." The Third Doctor gave a small reassuring smile.
"Well that's nice, as if we're capable of causing trouble!" said Peri. The three sat in silence having finished their current stories. A sound emitted from the far end of the workshop, causing them all to look across and see another Tardis appear. Each of the companions looked around waiting for someone to either appear from the Tardis.
"Did you hear a voice?" said Sarah Jane looking towards the machine.
Peri shrugged her shoulders. From the doorway could be heard the sound of someone coughing.
"There did you hear that? Someone's in trouble. We should go and help them." said Sarah Jane walking towards the Tardis.
"I think we should wait for the Doctors to return." said Nyssa. "Nonsense! It will only take us a couple of minutes to get him out." Peri said, thankful of something to do.
"I'll go and find the Doctors." With that Nyssa went out of the door. The coughing became louder and the two other companions looked at each other, becoming more worried.
"He can't be that far in the Tardis. If we're quick then no-one will be the wiser." Sarah Jane entered the Tardis followed by Peri.
Unknown to them both, they had been observed entering the Tardis and a plan was forming. A black-gloved hand turned the controls, causing the newly arrived Tardis to fade trapping the companions inside, forever.
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