Showing posts with label Navy Lark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navy Lark. Show all posts

Thursday 14 May 2009

Late night posts

Wondering what makes a blog these days since we now have twitter and facebook amongst other things. People have so many places to leave their mark or make a comment or just rant.
So many people now are authors without knowing it, poets without feeling it and journalists without a newspaper.
People use blogs for almost anything now, to rant on a football match, comment on a new film that raises its own issues and just to tell anyone who cares to listen just how they are.
And who gets to say whats in a blog or what can be written about.

Well that's just down to whoever writes it, however they write it. Problem is many will put their soul on the line (or blog) and then hope. Some use this as a way to start a debate they might not wanted to start. Others just ramble from time to time, I know I do. Its a way to empty my thoughts, make me see something, sometimes stop me from writing rubbish.

Still a blog is a web log so they say - which is odd as a log of the web is not what I write. I don't write a log of my web work else that would be very annoying. Went to the BBC, surfed the Apple site, listened to The Navy Lark while surfing the BBC site again etc.

So a post late night as you can see. Maybe this makes sense, maybe it don't.

Late night posts are they worth it?