Showing posts with label hotels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hotels. Show all posts

Saturday 13 February 2010

Blogging Update

How to say update in different ways.

Dear Reader.

It's been a while since I wrote a proper blog and a few things have happened. No doubt you may have seen some of my Facebook updates, the latest part of Doctor Who - Virus in Time and my archery news.

Well archery is certainly taking up a good part of my weekends now, which is no bad thing. I have said so many times now just how good it is, the fun, the excitement, the shooting and the club.
Recently the number of competitions has increased both home and away for this indoor season. I have been able to post new personnal best in the Portsmouth round of 538 out of 600.

Considering I have been shooting for just over a year now I do feel really pleased with my progress. Of course dear reader I want more, which is not bad. You can just go and shoot for pleasure if you want. Not many sports let you enjoy the pure pleasure of the sport. Take football for example. You cant just kick a ball into a goal all the time, it becomes pointless. Likewise for chess (ok not a physical sport) you have to play against someone or something.

Archery you can just stand and shoot for your own enjoyment. But then if you do will you end up competing. And is that just what you end up doing in life? Boy theres a deep thought.

Well back to the plot as they say.

As you may or may not have noticed I won my first medal. And I mean won. Along with Veronique from the archery club we won the Open Pairs competition at Warwick Archers. Now that for me was a real milestone. Also I was 4th in a Warwick round and 6th in a Portsmouth postal shoot.

The past few days I have made a few changes. One of the advantages of TVA club are the coaches. They do help when you ask. George has been helping me now move forward again. Over the past few days he has changed my stance, anchor position and helped with my new finger tab.

Results. Well you always go a step back before going two forward. I took part in the latest postal shoot and did not expect to be above 500 to be honest. Well I surprised myself. 518 out of 600.  Now thats not bad for all the changes. So thanks to George I can settle into my 'new' style and see what happens.

What else has been going on.

A wonderful visit to Earle the restaurant and a good meal well recommended. Also we got a evening (Sunday that was) at a Hilton hotel in Chester. A suite no less, including a revolving television. A very relaxing weekend.

So what next for my Doctor Who story. Well part 5 is due out very soon (editor take note). And then I will have to work out parts 6 and 7. (Editor beware).

Ok so is this enough of an update. Well I hope so dear reader. Too much and I may overwhelm you. Too little and its like eating a slice of cheesecake on a diet. You just want more.

So this cheesecake slice is done.

'May your arrows find gold' Or if no arrows 'May the wind be at our backs.' 

Tuesday 16 June 2009

A Grand Life

I am sure famous people have sat where I am sitting now and done the same thing. Drink coffee, look at the sea and write. So here I am in The Grand hotel Brighton doing the same. But how many of the more famous would then have blogged it. And is blogging it a proper term.
Certainly these days people would and do blog but from The Grand hotel? I could almost picture them writing away as waiters passed. Indeed I feel surrounded by waiters rather than writers right now. The happy sounds of jazz sort of old style played by modern people echo around the place.
The only thing missing right now is a good old fashioned arm chair and a cloud of dense smoke. Well one I can live without.

So here I am sipping coffee writing, sort of and keeping an eye on the cricket, sort of. Its summer of course and for once its fine here. The cricket score comes via the iPhone so that's certainly out of character for the writers of the past. But I guess well in character for the likes of me. Blogging in the new age. Yet still sometimes I end up putting pen to paper and I mean a real pen, before re-typing into a blog or journal for anyone to read.

So what does that make me? Old new school, new old school or something else. One thing for certain, its not easy to write in this chair. Maybe they wrote at the bar, who knows. I wonder if its time to start another age or trend. Maybe now I could be a silicon blogger or is that too trendy.

Still for me, this is a small wander into what must of been a Grand life.

(First written at the Grand Hotel 15th June 2009)