Showing posts with label films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label films. Show all posts

Sunday 12 July 2009

A Sunday Post

Its been a few weeks since I last blogged, well wrote here at least.

What have I been doing one may wonder (and that maybe only one person who wonders) and I do wonder that myself. A couple of Saturday's ago I spent the day at the clubs first outdoor archery competition of the year. It was amazing fun watching 30 archers standing on the line loosing off arrows. My first time at this competition which is an American shooting 30 arrows at 60, 50 and 40 yards. I set myself a target (550) and after the first two rounds had reached about half way. The conditions were not bad, but the wind always seems to have a say where we are and a couple of 5's could have been 7's. (To those who have no idea what I am going on about here search for GNAS rounds outdoor) So the final round 40 yards and needing to up my scoring. Without making a motion picture here down to the last 6 arrows and needing 43 to make my target (adds tension here) I hit a blue (5 points) drama! Of course as I approached the target had I reached my required score? As the Hitch-Hikers guide said - Stress and tension is bad - so to ease the reader (if there are any) of course I reached my target and passed it.

So what else I have been doing. Watched Night at the Museum 2. Not bad film, nice gentle comedy well put together a good family view. Looking forward to a few films Transformers for one, maybe Public enemy , 2012 and The Last Airbender (looks interesting).

Now a few spoilers here so if you have not seen Torchwood Don't Read On!!!

This last week has seen Torchwood: Children of Earth shown everyday. Brave, bold, different or sadly lacking in a few places? It just did not have that all round grab for me. Some bits I found made no sense. Why try and kill Capt Jack with a bomb inside him when sending it by parcel post would have been easier. The timing of the explosion was just right - why not wait and remotely blow him up? OK so these are plot designs or holes - you choose.

It sort of worked and sort of did not. The last episode worked, but if the Doctor had been there would he have allowed Jack's son to die? OK that's the difference you are all shouting (the one of you is at least). Torchwood has grit, is different, hits hard(ish) and has adult themes. To me this was more an adult version of Quatermass which may have fitted its aims.

Well hopefully there will be another series, at least a new set for Torchwood or will we find that lost base. Who knows.

The Ashes has started - cricket to those who dont know - and the first test is almost complete. It could be a long hard summer , very very hard.

Off to watch the F1 now and see if Button can get another win.


Thursday 14 May 2009

Late night posts

Wondering what makes a blog these days since we now have twitter and facebook amongst other things. People have so many places to leave their mark or make a comment or just rant.
So many people now are authors without knowing it, poets without feeling it and journalists without a newspaper.
People use blogs for almost anything now, to rant on a football match, comment on a new film that raises its own issues and just to tell anyone who cares to listen just how they are.
And who gets to say whats in a blog or what can be written about.

Well that's just down to whoever writes it, however they write it. Problem is many will put their soul on the line (or blog) and then hope. Some use this as a way to start a debate they might not wanted to start. Others just ramble from time to time, I know I do. Its a way to empty my thoughts, make me see something, sometimes stop me from writing rubbish.

Still a blog is a web log so they say - which is odd as a log of the web is not what I write. I don't write a log of my web work else that would be very annoying. Went to the BBC, surfed the Apple site, listened to The Navy Lark while surfing the BBC site again etc.

So a post late night as you can see. Maybe this makes sense, maybe it don't.

Late night posts are they worth it?

Monday 11 May 2009

Thoughts on a Film

Well the wait was over for many people, Trekkies. Yes the new movie was out today as a preview.
After seeing the new Wolverine film I did wonder if the new Star Trek could give me the same buzz.
More on Trek in a moment.
Wolverine was very well done, very close to the comic book (ok moved to this era) but fast paced, good story, good action and good fun. For those who have not yet seen it I would recommend going, it is money well spent.
Jackman is Wolverine there is no doubt on that. The rest of the cast support the movie very well, the direction never made me feel like I needed more or was waiting for anything.
There are a couple of funny moments, twists and the odd special appearance towards the end.
Overall 9 out of 10

Now Star Trek. JJ Abrams had 3 ways to go with this , find a new Enterprise 1701-F and a new crew or start from the beginning and show how the original crew got together. Well he went with the second choice and as the trailers say - Star Trek is reborn - in more ways than one.
What words can you use to sum up the movie, well awesome is just about right. The Enterprise looks great, the cast work brilliantly, the script is Star Trek at its best and more, the effects are first class and the movie is well balanced. Who could not like this?

I am sure there will be the odd one or two who will pick holes in the plot - why, its a movie enjoy it. Pick holes in history films instead, a few come to mind but for this one you cant. It works.

If you want to see more of this then enjoy it else Trek will fail and it will end in my humble view.

I wont give the plot away I am sure I will talk to people about that when they have seen it.

Oh yes overall 10 out of 10.

Thoughts on a film - If you felt that you spent your money well, then its a good film as my sister said and I agree.