Tuesday 14 May 2013

Into Darkness

In 2009 Star Trek was rebooted. It is the in-word for taking a much loved series and starting again. That movie took risks changing what was a well-loved brand, universe and let’s face it huge fan base. However, it worked, despite a few niggles and maybe one set that was never quite right. It worked because it did two things; made money and made new fans. So we move on and wait. Unlike other studios, with Trek there is no spin-off here, no solo performances to fill the void. We have had to wait nearly as long as the original 5-year mission for the second installment.

Having said that, much has been said about this second rebooted Star trek movie and then again, nothing much at all. A trailer teaser gave away something. It featured a character, named John Harrison, a Starfleet officer with the ability to help another’s apparently serious ill daughter. It hinted at something, something that could be very dark in the Trek universe. The whole point of a movie is to tell a story. It is supposed to take the viewer from place A to B with goodness knows what in-between. The story should be make you want to watch and become engaged. This hint teased, you did not know where it was within this story. Again we then had to wait. Finally we get to see what all the rumours were about.

Into Darkness opens with a classic feel. The Enterprise, with a very young and ‘green’ Kirk in charge, Spock in danger of course and the age old prime directive about to be compromised. Now there are many fans who felt at the end of the first movie that Kirk had not earned right to sit in the big chair. But, then to tell that story in the first movie would have taken hours and effectively required a whole host of academy films. Fans might have gone for that, the rest of the public never. Films these days have to make big bucks to pay everyone off and create the environment for the next. Yes, in theory Kirk should not have been Captain at the end of movie one. If that had been that, it would have been fine, however it gets addressed a little in this movie.

The dynamics between the young crew have yet to be properly seen. Here is one of the biggest dilemmas for JJ Abrams. In the television series we are led to believe the crew are on it’s five-year mission. They know each other, they have spent time together and have history. By reworking the series, this has all gone. So we are left with building the characters from the start. That was very clear from the first film and it underpins this one, the dynamics of how the crew work and trust each other. In this movie Kirk and Spock are still coming to terms with each other as Captain, first officer and the beginning of one of those rare on-screen friendships. McCoy is the slightly awkward third person here, a sounding board to both. The rest of the ‘original’ crew continue to explore their roles. One which does not really fit yet is Uhura. That character should be more composed with the hint of action. I can only guess that Abrams needs to give this character something to do.

Add to the mix a ‘new’ villain, John Harrison, one who disguises his true motives making the audience wait. The action is fast paced, explosive to say the least and in places typical Star Trek. Humour was always thrown in when others feared to smile. Now for what might sound an odd reference – They do it with mirrors – is a line that comes from an Agatha Christie novel. Now that may appear strange but trust me it does say much about Into Darkness and it’s my only clue.

I wont give away the plot as I don’t review movies that way. What I will say is that it worked for me and very well. Clever one might say. I did get all the hints and smiled when I was right. The cast did grow in this movie, yes there are a few annoying bits but then the movie was not filmed just for me. They never will and the old fans have two options. Get over it or watch something else.

For me JJ Abrams paced this movie just right. It had action, humour, compassion, classic Star Trek. Remember, he has to fit at least 4 major and 5 not so major characters together. Let alone a supporting cast, some of whom steal scenes. Each needs to give the audience their all in order to make the movie work. The acting of Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Benedict Cumberbatch is spot on. They work against and with each other. Add fine supporting acting from the likes of Simon Pegg, Alice Eve and Karl Urban and you see a long lasting series. The special effects are brilliant, it’s difficult not to be these days. 

This movie ends with a hope of more films to come. Does it end good or bad? Well, you have to go and see for yourself.

Rating 4.5/5

Tagline ‘Hint – Mirror, mirror, remember?’

Thursday 15 November 2012

Bright News

Dear Reader
The these few weeks have seen something of an avalanche of bad news, from well-known people becoming very dark shadows, to difficult times at a number of institutions. Where is the bright spark of good news? Well, this week I think I have found at least two good news bits. One took me a while to find, the other is just inspiring.
The inspiring one is Children in Need. Forgetting the reasons and arguments some might have, this yearly event is aimed solely at the heart strings. It makes no bones about what it wants, money. Children in Need has been running for many years both on the radio and television. For one night (sort of) you get strange, wonderful, amazing people entertaining the public. Its not just the BBC either, many other shows from the other channels help out. They just want to raise money for disadvantaged children and projects. Why mention this? Well, in these times when money is really tight, people seem still to give. On the One Show, they are doing a rickshaw challenge with a difference. This time it is the young adults who are taking this on. They are putting heart and soul into this, each one with their own story. At a time when things look dark, this is a true ray. Another supporter who again pushes not himself, but the cause forward, is Chris Evans. He took over from Terry Wogan, not only on the breakfast show, but the auction of things money can’t buy. I don’t know how much he gets involved, but his name alone seems to get people to help. These items that are auctioned are wonderful. One I heard mentioned was the final one. A weekend at the Monaco grand prix. Sounds very simple. It was not. It has so much thrown in, top people to give their time to the cause. I don’t really care who did what. It is the effort, the time, the goodwill given that counted. They will raise money, a lot. It may not be as much as other years, somehow it always makes it. I have already donated, before I wrote this. The world is not all as bad as it seems.
My second bright point is pure indulgence. I have recently discovered a comedy, The Big Bang Theory. It is basically four geeks and a girl. The geeks are well known to me, in the sense that they are sci-fi lovers, role-players, movie watchers and intelligent. I can hear the comments now and I will wait to see who is first. Some have found it to close the mark on how they are perceived. However, although I can see myself in some, (stop writing now I know what you’re going say) I find it funny. It has been going for some time, but I only came across it after much prompting. As with most good comedies, it has to draw you in, the humour needs to make you smile. The theme tune has gotten into my head, the words are hanging around, even now. The main characters, Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj have grown on me. Yes, they poke fun at a few of my likes, but as one person said – if you don’t laugh at yourself, how will the audience know when start laughing. (Ok I made that up). I am currently playing catch-up watching the past 5 series knowing that the new series starts soon. There has been some very humorous moments, Sheldon’s Star Trek extension to rock, paper, scissors for one. It is gentle comedy, you don’t need a PHd to understand. It does make fun of us geeks but then again other comedies have made fun of many other types. Again, it a time when things are not so happy, we need something to brighten the day. This helps.I am sure many will have a different view which is fine.
So the tagline – ‘In a whole dark universe, there are still gems of light to be found’

Thursday 8 November 2012

War of the Worlds - Again

Dear Reader,
When I say dear reader, I am always reminded of Terry Wogan  and his comments on his radio show. He would often allude to the fact that he had one or two listeners. The rest were trapped souls who only had one radio station. Well, thats my view anyway.
So dear reader, this week’s blog. By now, yet again, two events have taken place. The title of this week’s blog might give a clue as to what. In the early hours of Wednesday morning here in the UK, we woke to the news that the US elections were over. Unlike the last UK general election, which ended in a typical British farce, the US sorted it in one day. President Obama was returned for 4 more years. It was one of the closest races in recent times. There was certainly a war of words that went on between the two parties. The fact that more than just the US was in the balance, as we were led to believe. True, there were certain statements by Romney that gave many concerns. Some clearly must have been ill advised. Yet there came a point when he became a serious threat to Obama and others. It pushed the race towards a nervous point. But, there was one more twist. A storm. What did it do, maybe nothing, maybe swing the undecided? Will we ever really know? Right now I am sure there are a huge number of analysts, pouring over data, one liners, video clips and more just to find where the votes went. And now it starts again, both the next 4 years and the race to be the next President. Unlike British politics, President Obama wont stand again, he can only be re-elected once. Romney can if he is wanted. I suspect given the election, there will be two new people and maybe a first. A woman presidential candidate. We will wait and see.
Now to the real War of the Worlds – Again. The title is referring to the re-mastering, re-inventing, re-designing, re-anything of a true classic album. In 1978, a new album hit the music stores. It was a double vinyl masterpiece. Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds had a massive impact. The opening lines as spoken by Richard Burton, that rich deep Welsh voice made you listen. “No one would have believed in the last years of the 19th century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.’  That opening line made, the hairs stand up. It sends a shiver still. Thirty-six seconds of Burton’s voice at the start, that’s all. Then there is that pause, barely a second. It hits. The first chord. The sound is amazing, the pace perfect. H.G Wells novel as told in song. The first track Eve of the War, pulls you into Victorian England. Unlike the films, it is set correctly. When I first listened to this, I was amazed. I must have played it hundreds of times, learning all the little changes of pace, the orchestra’s varied sounds and the differing voices. Although there were only a few people on the original album, Justin Haywood, David Essex, Phil Lynott, Julie Covington, Chris Thompson and Jeff Wayne himself, it created a film like feel. The album itself stayed in the charts for 290 weeks, over 5 years. I had always wanted to see it performed live and as time went on I did go back to it often. I could listen to this without feeling the spark fade unlike some albums. Then 6 years ago on April 29th, my birthday, I sat in the Sheffield  Arena along with thousands of others and waited. It was the first live tour, would it be as good as the album. Not only did the hairs stand up they damn nearly shook me to bits. It was incredible. There were changes but it mattered not.
Now in 2012 a new version of War of the Worlds is about to be released. There is a new cast of course. I have been able to listen to two parts of the new album. What do I think? There will be a whole new generation that won’t understand or have heard the album. They may well listen, considering Gary Barlow is one of the new cast. A stroke of genius to engage such a well known artist of this day. The same can be said of Liam Neeson, who takes the Burton role of the Journalist. It will take me a time to get used to listening to one of my all time favourite albums, with others involved. The best way for me, is to accept this as a second album and start fresh. The New Generation will be out in November and with such social media I fully imagine it to invade just like the Martians did before. Will it be a success? Yes it will. Again because of the history and what is behind it. Will I like it? My honest answer is I don’t know yet. Ask me after November when, more than likely, I will have bought it.
On another note, just for the record, a quick update on two programs. Arrow is continuing to hit the gold in my view. Three episodes down and the pace is excellent. Elementary on the other hand, is not. I find it slow, dull, predictable, easy to solve. It is just another American crime show.
So the tagline. “One war has ended. Now the Martians are ready to invade.”